Vals class in 2020.

Class 7 review

The first pattern is a review from two weeks ago. It was a student request. That pattern is a side step then a back ocho entry into a media luna. The media luna is continued into another media luna but Adrian does a leader embellishment of a back cross then sacada. The real review starts at :47 seconds. The pattern is a side step entry into a follower half turn i.e. the follower does back/side/forward. Note how the leader lets the follower take the first back step alone so he can store up the tension in his body. Then the leader joins the follower in stepping at the same time but the delay in that first step is important. The leader stops the follower after her forward step which is the end of the back/side/forward half turn. The leader does this by stepping close to the follower’s trailing foot with his left foot and then leading a big pivot so her forward step turns into a big forward ocho which helps to drain the follower’s momentum. The resolution is a forward to back alteration. Note that Adrian does not use the word “alteration” he calls it “absorbing” the follower’s energy but the commonly used name for that resolution is a forward to back “alteration”. They also did another review dance to a fast vals to demonstrate the timing.

Class 7 review to a fast waltz.

Class 6 review

Class 5 (with Class 4 review)

Andrea and Adrian's vals class 5 review:
Vals class 5 review.
Note the review starts with a review of class 4 patterns which were two:
Media Luna turn and clockwise Molinete with side step entry. (note the slight pause of the leader on the side step entry. Leader side steps just short of follower and leads the molinete but waits a bit to gather momentum from the followers 1,2 synchronization).
So the first demonstration is actually from class 4 that starts with a giant, cross system rock step pivot into the media luna pattern then a back step to a side step entry into the molinete.
Class 5 review starts at 1:21 in video.
Couple starts at 90 degrees to LOD
1) Side step toward LOD, leader changes weight into cross system and takes one CS step then one side step to put follower in sentada position. Note leaders right arm encircling follower and stepping very close to "trap" the follower in the sentada position.
2) Leader firmly leads a quick forward,side 1,2 syncopated step of follower around him while he switches wieght.
3) Resolution - cross system walk to cross.

Class 3  Feb. 10, 2020

1st sequence.

Interrupted walk to crusada with big rebounds and two back ochos done to Vals 1,2,1 syncopation

1)     Leader cross system walk to cross but… leader does a giant rebound at step 4 instead of continuing to crusada.  This is not a normal rebound, this is a giant rebound that is so big the leader doesn’t have time to collect.  He moves his trailing leg out of the way so far the follower takes a big side step and ends up facing 180 degrees from her start position.
2)     Leader does a cross system rebound big enough to take the follower in another 180 degree pivot so she is facing LOD again.  Note: Andrea says the followers leg is ‘trapped’ in this rebound position.  She didn’t use the word “push” (Spanish: empijadita) but that is the position.  The leader’s legs are so close to the follower in this rebound their thighs might actually touch.  I’m tempted to call this rebound an “empijadita” rebound.
3)     Two back ochos.  Note the leader has to make space for the followers legs if he really has done an “empijadita” rebound.
4)     Resolution – cross system walk to cross, 6,7,8

2nd sequence.
Back ocho entry to media luna.

1)     Leader side steps and syncopates into cross system.
2)     Leads back ocho entry into media luna.  Note that: Andrea did not teach it but the leader really needs to make sure his forward step weight change happens just after the follower’s back step.  If he does the follower’s 1,2,1 back-side, forward syncopated turn will happen almost automatically.
3)     Resolution – leader absorbs all the follower’s energy at the end of the media luna and then does a back step and side step in an extremely boring resolution.  But it shows the leader is in complete control of the follower momentum.

Class 2, Jan 13, 2020

Class 1, Jan 6, 2020