Intermediate class reviews from Jan 1, 2020

LOD - Line of Dance
CS - Cross System
PS - Parallel System
PIP - Pivot in Place i.e. leader pivots the follower, usually to face the leader.
Walk to Cross - Lead follower to crusada.  Usually PS but sometimes CS (cross system).

8 count basic - e.g. 6,7, 8 because so many patterns use step 6, 7, 8 as a resolution to a pattern it's easier to just say step 6,7,8.  That works for other parts of the 8 count basic as well, for example you might say step 1,2,3  to indicate the leader takes one step back, one step to the side, then one step outside partner which is the first three steps of the 8 count basic.  That opening happens a lot in patterns as well.

The goal here is a highly experienced leader could print out the sequence steps and do the pattern at a practica with no access to the video.  So all sequence descriptions will be from the leader perspective unless specified otherwise.

Class review from 2/10/2020

Sweet turns (my name for these) in cross and parallel system with the leader walking forward.  They can also be done with the leader walking backwards and follower walking forward.  All sweet turns are two steps no matter which direction: one step will be a short, straight step forward or backward and the next step will be the big pivot step for the follower.

Class review from 2/25/2020

Begin 90 degrees to LOD

1) Side step entry to gentle abanicos (hand fans), exit to Americana.
2) Use Americana momentum to enter counter clockwise molinete, leader does lapiz embellishment and stops molinete with parada/pasada combination.

3) Reverse the pattern into a clockwise molinete with leader doing another lapiz and stopping with parada/pasada combination.
4) Resolution - forward ocho pivot back to line of dance.

Class review from 2/18/2020

Sequence 1

1) Side step then leader does a "hand fan" (abanico) of the follower's free leg. The leader is deliberately fanning the follower's free leg the way a woman would fan her face with an open fan.
2) 2 step linear grapevine (side, back) ending with the leader steping around the follower with a side step while suspending the follower so the follower stays on one foot.
3) Use the momentum from step 2 to enter a media luna. Stop the media luna with a sacada to a parada/pasada combination.
4) Resolution - Follower does one forward ocho to return to LOD and walks out.
Sequence 2
1) Side step to back boleo then into americana.
2) From Americana leader begins a molinete. Leader does a lapiz embellishment before stopping the molinete with a parada/pasada combination.
3) Resolution - follower does two forward ochos to return to LOD.

Class review from 2/11/2020

Sequence 1
CS media Vuelta with sacadas, media lunas and parada/pasadas
1)     Leader does back, side and syncopates to CS.
2)     Leader takes one CS step then leads CS media Vuelta
3)     After follower’s final forward step from media Vuelta leader leads side step and sacadas follower with right leg (Adrian gets fancy and enrosques his right leg before the sacada).
4)     Leader uses sacada momentum to lead a fancy back ocho to a parada (stop).  Adrian shows off by placing his left foot behind the followers trailing heel.
5)     Resolution – forward ocho to pasada then two forward ochos to return follower to LOD.

Sequence 2
Begin at 90 degrees to LOD
1)     Side step entry to mirrored linear open grapevine down LOD.
2)     End grapevine with back ocho, leader takes one side step leading follower in calisita then takes a forward step as entry to a media luna.
3)     Leader sacadas follower with left leg on her forward step that ends the media luna.
4)     Resolution – parada/pasada combination over leaders right foot, forward ochos to return follower to LOD.

Class review from 2/4/2020

First sequence:

Begin at 90 degrees to LOD (Line Of Dance).
From the leader perspective:

1) back, side, syncopate to CS (Cross System)
2) One CS step entry to CS (Cross System) media vuelta
3) Exit media vuelta with one step back entry into ocho cortado.
4) Two PS (parallel system) rebounds, first rebound with leader left, next with leader right.
5) PIP to face LOD.
6) Resolution - Step inside in PS, then step 3, 6, 7, 8 of 8 count basic.

Second sequence:
Begin at 90 degrees to LOD.

1) back, side, syncopate to CS.
2) two back ocho entry to a soft (social) back boleo.
3) Forward step out of boleo then pivot follower to face leader.
4) One rebound in PS (parallel system) as entry into a PS media vuelta.
5) Pivot in place to face leader.
6) Side step, pivot in place to face LOD.
7) Resolution - cross system walk to cross then step 6,7, 8 from 8 count basic.